Post Scriptum

The time in AIT is history, sniff, and this is the final chapture of the great adventure. But I hope in the future small stories will be added, when we meet around Europe.

All my stuff was packed. (Only 34kg in the airport, pretty good going!). Hulk was in the garbage and the yellow paper from hell had the needed 15 signatures from around AIT. I was on my way home.

But not without my final dinner at Sues. I think Sverre, Simone, Leah and Lolenz had a milion goodbuy dinners, because everybody was leaving within 14 days.

The last watching-dvd's in Sverres home-cinema. I was stress-packing all my stuff at the same time.

And suddenly I was home, with people speaking this strange ugly language called danish. And everybody being so tall, that I had to wear my highest-heels-boots for 14 days not to feel so damned small.

And REAL danish bread and pastry. In Thailand they have a lot of nasty stuff, they call danish pastry. DON'T believe them... It's not near anything from Denmark.

And of course my-choice-food-dinner in the evening. And everybody was happy to see me...

...As long as it lasted. I completely died on the sofa. And I had to steal the duvet of my niece. (What you can't see is, that it's only 1m long).

Men det vil Laura ikke finde sig i! (Utroligt hvad de kan i den alder)

And if you're in Thailand, and you don't know what to buy your niece, try these shoes with a squeeky-sound, when you step on them. It made my niece doing the piv-piv-piv all around the house. She was to fast for the camera. (And I think my sister was really happy about them too ;)

But thank god, next day a party with best DTU-friend Misha. (Who left me to go to Austria for a semester. How could she do it!!!)
And a lot of iiiih and åååh about the speciel tan.

And in Denmark it is REALLY cold. The lake is frozen, and I felt like dying.

Well I was out walking with my sisters family. This is my brother-in-law Kasper Kort. (Fnis)

The new Disney picture: "Finding Piggy".
Piggy, the only friend from AIT, I could bring home, is now an integrated part of my room.

And the first snow for the hot-blooded Piggy.

Ooh... And back to the fine game of Kroket... This is some of the greatest Players in the world. (As you see, a beer in one hand is an important part of having the right style)... This day was the Indoor-Challenge tournament and I was in the final round. More interested? Try this page

And then of course the Bar. And the amazing thing was, that my own university-bar had actually got the very nice beer from Bei Otto (Evas birthday). You can see the two beers looking beautifull on the disk. (Almost as beautifull as Den Gyldne Dame in front of them). And the guy, you only see the back of, is actually the King of Sweden... (Eller er det Litanbussan?) Han er i hvert fald svensk :)

And then school started and... I miss the school-lazyness from AIT...
And because I gave Nemo to my niece I had to find someone else to hug at night...

Well... Its not the look, that counts.

The goodbye picture...
